Friday, April 25, 2014

Rain Water

Rain Water
Rangan is a farmer in a small village. He is a hard working person. He lived near his farm. His land has a deep well. Apart from the ground water, he thought that the rain water can be collected in the well. After spending a little money for buying pipes, Rangan set up the pipes in the roof and made rain water falling on the roof to run through the tube and then into the well. Rainy season started and rain water reached well. He advised the people in the town to set up rain water pipes on the roof so that they can also save rain water.

They did not listen to his words. They made fun of him and they ignored his advice. They considered it is waste of money to set up rain water harvesting pipes. Summer season started. All of the water resources became drained. Lakes and ponds became empty. So all the people in the village were troubled with water scarcity .The villagers decided to ask the village chief to help them. The chief asked them " Did your village get rain during rainy season?".

People replied that they got good rainfall in that year's rainy season . Then the chief asked, " Why was this drought if there was good rainfall?"

The villagers told that the lakes and ponds became empty. The chief asked again, " Whether you are storing rain water in the well ?"

The villagers said " No! We did not save rainwater"

He told them: " Water is our life saver, rain water is invaluable resource, If you have saved the rain water, insufficiency should not have occurred today .
The villagers felt sorry for not realizing the need to save water . The chief continued, Rangan, a farmer in your village has stored rain water in the well in his farm. He has accepted to offer water to your entire village this summer.
He advised that villagers to save rain water and reduce water wastage. People realized that they need to save water and saying thank you to chief and Rangan. They all returned to the village and rain water harvesting pipes were set in every house. They all began to save water and lived happily.

Moral: Little drops of water make the mighty ocean. Rain water harvesting is one of  the best method to save water.


  1. Very important and tq very much

  2. Your article is very useful for next generations. Please do post also on effects of deforestation... Thank you for sharing your article... I'm sharing this post... Keep up the best work... Save water Save life
