Monday, May 18, 2015


In a small town named Komal, there was an Elementary School where all the children in the town studied. Kamali and Mellina were classmates. Mellina's father was the village officer of Komal. Her father helps her doing her homework and teaches her lessons in the evening. Kamali's father was a farmer in that village. 

Though her father could read and write and do basic mathematical calculations, he was not able to help in Kamali's homework. Some days Kamali came to the class without completing the homework given by teacher. Mellina did not like Kamali, but Kamali wanted to befriend her. Whenever Kamali tried to speak with Mellina, she turned her head away and left the place. This hurted Kamali but she did not tell this to anyone.

On a sunday evening, Kamali was returning back from her father's farm. In the school ground, Mellina was flying a kite which her father got from the town. Kamali went near Mellina and asked, " Mellina, may I also join with you to fly kite?"
Mellina replied," No!"
Kamali said, "I also like kite flying. Please Mellina, may I join you?"
Mellina with a hatred look replied, " I do not like people who arenot doing their homework regularly!"
Kamali with tears in her eyes, " My parents are not educated as like yours. They are unable to help me with homework!"
Mellina did not reply to this. Kamali sadly left the place.
Mellina was flying kite alone for sometime. Wind blew heavily and the kite's thread cut off and the kite flew apart.

After searching it for sometime, Mellina found the kite stuck in a tree branch. She do not know how to climb a tree and became worried about getting the kite down. Mellina is afraid to climb on the tree. Without knowing what to do, she stood near the tree. Kamali saw this from her home. She came out and climbed the tree easily . She got the kite from the branch and gave it to Mellina. She thanked Kamali and wondered how she could climb the tree without fear.

Kamali said, " I climb trees to pull twig of leaves for feeding our goats. I am not afraid to climb on trees and I am not afraid to help anyone who is in need."
Those words touched Mellina's heart. She also learnt that she should be helpful to one who is in need. Mellina and Kamali started to study together. Kamali was appreciated by her teacher for finishing homework daily. Mellina and Kamali became inseparable friends and successful in their classes.

Moral: Helping one in  need is equal to helping God.

Saturday, March 21, 2015

Look Before You Leap

Look Before You Leap

A frog named Papu and a butterfly named Ranju are best friends. They lived near a river. There were lot of little insects in the river bank and Papu ate them for his food. Ranju had his food from the nectar of flowers in the forest. One day, Papu was sitting on a rock, Ranju came and sat in a leaf of a plant near the rock.

"Papu, I am bored here" said Ranju.
"Why Ranju? I like this place and the calmness" Papu replied.
"I want to see the town and the life there. I am going now"
"Ranju, I will not let you go alone! Let us go together!"
"Keep in mind Ranju, there may be dangers for us in new place. We should be careful. It will not be same as our home."
" I am not expecting any danger Papu" Ranju told with bold voice.

They both started their journey. Papu hopped and Ranju flew along with him. They reached the end of forest, some house appeared at distance.
"Wow! we reached the town!" Ranju told happily.
"Keep your voice down Ranju, do not attract anyone's attention on us!" said Papu cautiously.
There was a pond there with a beautiful lotus flower in it.  Seeing that, Ranju became more excited and told Papu, "That flower is very beautiful. The nectar should be very sweet. I am going there!"

"Stop Ranju, you may be stuck in the pond! Do not go!" said Papu.
"You are always afraid to try new things Papu" Ranju flew there to the lotus.
When it reached the lotus, there were some bees on the lotus collecting the nectar. They attacked Ranju.
Ranju's one leg got broken. He could not move now.

Papu was waiting for Ranju to come back. When Ranju did not come back for a long time, Papu realised that Ranju might be in trouble. Luckily, Appu the elephant came near that pond to drink water.

"Appu brother! My friend Ranju has got stuck in the lotus, please help him!"
"Do not worry Papu, with my trunk, I will take him to the bank!"
With Appu's help, Ranju was able to come to the pond's bank. Papu gave him first aid and asked him to rest for sometime. They both thanked Appu.

Appu advised Ranju to be careful while stepping in to new places. He drank water and left to his place Ranju felt sorry for not listening to Papu's words. Papu carried Ranju on his back to the forest. Ranju's leg healed in a week and he flew happily drinking nectar in flowers of the forest. Both the friends lived happily thereafter.

Moral : Look before you leap.  Always think thoroughly if you are doing the correct thing before doing it.